The Machine Learning Summer School 2016
MLSS Cadiz has a Youtube Channel. They are arranged by speaker here.
Continuing the tradition of Machine Learning Summer Schools, this year’s summer school is going to be held at the University of Cádiz, in Cádiz, Spain, from 11-21th May, 2016.
The MLSS is a course offered to graduate students, researchers and professionals. The courses consists of lectures by respected researchers who come from the industry as well as from academia. The lectures will touch several fundamental as well as advanced concepts related to, but not limited to, machine learning, data analysis and inference. There will also be tutorials, which will concentrate on the practical aspect of machine learning.
Cádiz is a port city situated off the coast of Spain. It is considered one of the oldest continuously inhabited city in Western Europe, established in 1100 BC. Hence, the city boasts of an impressive heritage as well as some of the most beautiful beaches in Spain.