Opening Remarks
9:10Keynote by Yaron Singer (Harvard University)
10:10Inferring Graphs from Cascades: A Sparse Recovery Framework. Thibaut Horel (Harvard University) and Jean Pouget-Abadie (Harvard University).
10:30Coffee Break
11:00Microscopic Description and Prediction of Information Diffusion in Social Media: Quantifying the Impact of Topical Interest. Przemyslaw Grabowicz (MPI-SWS), Niloy Ganguly (IIT-Kharagpur) and Krishna Gummadi (MPI-SWS).
11:20Scalable Methods for Adaptively Seeding a Social Network. Thibaut Horel (Harvard University) and Yaron Singer (Harvard University).
11:40Evolution of Conversations in the Age of Email Overload. Farshad Kooti (USC), Luca Maria Aiello (Yahoo Labs), Mihajlo Grbovic (Yahoo Labs), Kristina Lerman (ISI/USC), Amin Mantrach (Yahoo Labs).
12:00The Dynamics of Micro-Task Crowdsourcing -- The Case of Amazon Mturk. Difallah Djellel Eddine (University of Fribourg), Michel Catasta (EPFL), Gianluca Demartini (University of Sheffield), Panos Ipeirotis (NYU) and Philippe Cudre-Mauroux (University of Fribourg).
12:20Closing remarks